Wednesday, May 2, 2007

better by the bat #3

the people to do it are.........................pooh and alian!!!!!!!!
1.alian wins the tip-off.1st sends pooh 2 feet. sends him 7 feet.
3.3 feet. extra hit!
the results................................pooh,you are elinated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end of week 3,top 12

Sunday, April 8, 2007

nunchuck #1

top 10:lamb,tigger,teacher,choo-choo charlie,nani,timmy,mufasa,cobra,piglet,and miser

#1 recap:lamb,tigger.
tigger:miss,hit,miss. lamb:hit,miss,hit.
results:.....................tigger is out!!!!!!
end of week 1,top 10.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


vote on your favorite blog t.v. shows......
wresalemaina:it's a wrestle fight!
poker:saddle up your gigs and lets play!
panic attic:release the beast!
elimination:who do you vote for?
lucky case:WHAT IS IN IT???????
you vs. you:are you smarter than you?????
vote now!!!!!!!!!

better by the bat #3

recap:spongebob vs mighty bean
spongebob wins the tip off.his first hit has 4 hits but all of them are boobs.his next hit....boob!
3rd hit............isnt a boob.extra hit!the results.........................mighty bean leaves us tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

end of week 2:top 12

Thursday, March 15, 2007

kid apprentice part 2

their actions:
Colby:likes to make things.
SAM c:hangs out with his buds.
Jennifer p:is a little shy sometimes.
Maddie:is sometimes bossy.

better by the bat

the prize:a bat contract. your top 12: stitch,little john,nala,shark,Edna mode,mighty bean,sponge bob,transformer,pooh,cookie monster,Alain,and the human torch.
transformer and Edna are the first to play. remember,3 hits,one extra hit(maybe) if the main person doesn't win, the tipped person wins(same reversed).
recap:transformer wins the tip off.little shabby with 4 sends Edna 2 feet.#2 is great with 7 sends Edna 7 feet.#3 is good with 5 extra hit he gets!it's good! the results...............................................................................................Edna leaves us tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
end of top 12:week 1

Monday, March 12, 2007

arrest barney!

there's a rumor going around that barney, said stupid and smoked on his t.v. show! he got arrested!