Sunday, April 8, 2007

nunchuck #1

top 10:lamb,tigger,teacher,choo-choo charlie,nani,timmy,mufasa,cobra,piglet,and miser

#1 recap:lamb,tigger.
tigger:miss,hit,miss. lamb:hit,miss,hit.
results:.....................tigger is out!!!!!!
end of week 1,top 10.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


vote on your favorite blog t.v. shows......
wresalemaina:it's a wrestle fight!
poker:saddle up your gigs and lets play!
panic attic:release the beast!
elimination:who do you vote for?
lucky case:WHAT IS IN IT???????
you vs. you:are you smarter than you?????
vote now!!!!!!!!!

better by the bat #3

recap:spongebob vs mighty bean
spongebob wins the tip off.his first hit has 4 hits but all of them are boobs.his next hit....boob!
3rd hit............isnt a boob.extra hit!the results.........................mighty bean leaves us tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

end of week 2:top 12